Sunday, July 6, 2008

How to: take a screen shot on your mac.

Okay, there are three different ways to take screen shots on your mac.

Shift + apple key + 3 - Captures entire desktop to a file on the desktop as 'picture #' . This option lets you capture the whole screen. If you want just one window on your screen, you will have to edit the picture using image editing software.

Shift + apple key + 4 - Allows you to use your mouse to select a specific part of your desktop for capture. This will turn your mouse pointer into a cross, please hold down the mouse button and drag to select the part of the screen you want. When you release the button the screenshot will "snap" that part of the screen. Press 'Esc' to release. I used this one to take the screenshots for this blog.

Shift + apple key + 4 then press spacebar - Allows you to select which window to capture.

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