Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Going back to University soon!

Well the time is almost here when I go back to studying: it has been a great 4 months of working and holidaying! I am busily preparing all my material (on my mac ofcourse), and also preparing myself for a stressful year of law (as I have just graduated from psychology - which I think was keeping me sane!).

I am studying administration law, civil procedure, corporate law, and law & technology - so there will be quite a few upcoming blogs about my ponderings on the impact of the law on the internet (big area of interest for me). For anyone who has real the terms and conditions for anything they install on their computer, you may know that by agreeing to the terms and conditions you consent to any future amendments to the terms and conditions. How does this fit with the traditional law? I don't know (yet), but will find out in the weeks to come ;)

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